Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation

Donohoe Center ,226 Donohoe Road, Suite 110, Greensburg, PA  15601

(724) 832-3625   (724) 832-3625 (fax)    andy@wpcamr.org     wpcamr.org   




DATE:  December 1, 2017


TO: Partners in Abandoned Mine Reclamation


FROM: Andy McAllister , Regional Coordinator

SUBJECT: WPCAMR Quarterly Membership Meeting

The Western Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation (WPCAMR) will hold its quarterly meeting on Thursday, February 8, 2018 at PA DEP Cambria Office beginning at 10:00 am and concluding at 2:00 pm.

Directions to the DEP Office and other meeting info such as past meeting minutes are available at WPCAMR.org.  Please contact us with any questions.

We value your presence at the meeting and hope we can hear a short report of what’s been going on with your organization.  Your continuing support is essential as we grow to meet our future challenges.
















Take a stand for reclamation!