Note: The following OM&R related material was extracted from PA DEP’s 2006 Growing Greener I & II Watershed & Flood Protection Grant Application Package




The amount of $230 million has been allocated to the Department as a result of the Growing Greener II (GGII) Bond Initiative for its existing programs for watershed protection, mine and acid mine drainage remediation, and plugging of abandoned oil and gas wells. At least $60 million shall be used for acid mine drainage abatement and mine cleanup efforts.


A new funding source for Growing Greener projects is available as a result of the Growing Greener II ("GGII") Bond Initiative. Projects funded under this initiative must meet the following eligibility and funding restrictions.

GGII Project Eligibility Projects must be for capital improvement and meet the following two conditions:


Projects that meet the above eligibility criteria will be considered for this funding source.


Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that would incorporate the following elements:


If design and permitting costs are included as part of the construction project, they will also be eligible under GGII. Design and/or permitting costs alone are not eligible.


Repair and replacement of existing projects funded through Growing Greener are eligible for funding under GGII.


GGII Funding Restrictions


Administrative and overhead costs are prohibited. Salary costs for GGII funds may only be used for activities that lead to the implementation and construction of the actual project. Costs specifically excluded are those related to administrative charges, salaries, overhead, etc. Examples of administrative salaries include, but are not limited to, completion of progress reports, quarterly reports, final reports, and invoice preparation/processing.


GGII Priorities


In addition to the Growing Greener priorities on pages 2-6, special focus areas for GGII include:









E. Operation, Maintenance and Replacement


Important Note: Projects that provide for the replacement or repairs associated with existing GGI eligible projects are eligible for GGII funding. Operation and routine maintenance costs are NOT eligible for GGII funds.


The need for long-term operation, maintenance and replacement (O, M&R) has been recognized as a requirement to ensure the long-term success of watershed restoration projects. This category is not intended to fund routine operation and maintenance activities that are the responsibility of the local sponsor, nor is it intended to replace systems damaged by operator negligence. The purpose of this funding category is to fund non-routine operation, maintenance and replacement items needed for existing watershed restoration projects. This category is not expected to be used to cover all O, M&R costs, but only those that can’t be covered by project sponsors using local resources.


 [Allowable] Examples include:


Dedicated sponsors, with landowner approval, are expected to provide much of the operation and routine maintenance needs. However, when costly maintenance needs, technical upgrades, and system replacement needs arise, Commonwealth funding may be necessary.


[When applying, you should:]